Thursday, October 29, 2009

Enchanted Garden Art Show

We added a new page to our site. It's Enchanted Garden Show. It show just a bit of what Frank is working on for the two shows. Judy will also have needle felted pieces. We're looking forward to both shows.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


While attending the ATHA Convention in Louisville, KY, I toured the Pleasant Hill Shaker Village. Along with the interesting facts, touring the grounds and a great lunch, it was the quiet of the community I noticed. All of a sudden I was struck by the peace of my surroundings and how simple things could be. A little quiet and serenity are what the world needs right now.

I took many pictures of things and places on my tour, but the memory of that day shall stay with me always. I wish you a quiet moment and a happy memory every day.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where has Septemeber Gone?

I always look forward to Sept. because it means a break in the Texas heat. This means it will drop from 95-100 degrees to 90-95 (if we're lucky). It also means Judy and my birthday month. October is right around the corner from Sept. and that means "Pumpkins" - one of my favorite things.

I am speaking at the ATHA Convention in Louisville, KY the weekend of Sept. 26th. I truly appreciate hooked rugs, the history behind them and the work that goes into them. It is a wonderful art form. I am "hooked" on rug punching. If you "hook" it means pulling a loop of wool through rug canvas and having all the loops the same height. In "punching" you use a different tool and work from the back of the canvas. You can work with wool strips and other fibers in both hooking and punching. With both arts the only limitation is your imagination.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I would like to introduce you to our new web site which is It's a work in progress - just like us. On it you will find painted canvases as well as hand colored drawings, all original and one of a kind. You'll also find Judy's needle felted creations. Seasons and whim will dictate subject matter.

The classes we teach will be listed on this web site as well as mindless ramblings and banter. Check in periodically becasue the site will change.